Monday, June 13, 2016

oh the places you'll go

My baby is growing too fast. I was editing some photos and (this happens every time) I was blown away by how small he used to be!

These past six months have been such a huge life change for our whole little family, and some days I feel like I'm on this wild & crazy ride that refuses to slow down. I have so many sweet moments with Luca where I pause and think to myself - "Remember this moment. Remember his little hands and his darling smile. Remember how he gives kisses with his mouth wide open (and finds it hilarious). Remember how excited he gets when he sees you in the morning and when his dad gets home at night." I know it's highly unlikely that I will forget, but time is going so fast and I don't want to miss a thing.

Like every other mom, I want what's best for my baby. I only hope that he can avoid the speed bumps I had to go over when I was growing up! I want him to know he can accomplish anything that he sets his mind to. That he always has his number 1 cheerleader at home with him!

When I found this cute shirt from The Blue Envelope, I fell in love. "Oh the Places You'll Go," one of my absolute favorites from Dr. Seuss. 
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself 
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

Words of the wise. You can teach your babies as much as possible, but in the end they will choose where they soar! I only hope that I steer Luca in the right direction. (:

As I said before, I adore this cute raglan and the v-neck I got for myself too! I'm a sucker for cute baby gear (much to my husband's dismay), especially when they include text from one of my favorites!

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