Wednesday, February 11, 2015

not all who wander are lost

I bet you've heard that phrase before. We all have a little bit of a 'wanderer' inside us I suppose. It feels like Ben and I have been wandering throughout our whole marriage. Between living in four states, and traveling through several others, our life could be seen as fairly chaotic, but I truly wouldn't have it any other way. 

Right now our travels have taken us to beautiful Orange County while Ben interns at an accounting firm in Irvine/Costa Mesa. As I am writing this, it is 86 degrees outside. In February. And yes, it is heavenly. 

It's weird to think Ben and I have already been married for over a year. It has flown by. I can honestly say that I have fallen more and more in love with him throughout this past year and a few months than I ever knew possible. 

Love is a bit weird that way. You think you've reached your peak, hit your maximum, and then it somehow continues to grow. 

My excuses to keep me from writing have finally come to a halt. Hopefully I will be better from now on. If I am not, I blame Jane Austen and online shopping. 

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