It has been quite a while, months in fact. So much has happened. Where do I begin?
Mini-golfing/ Denny's night.
That time Andrew made me cook!
Impromptu jams on the JAM house porch (:
Sunday temple walks
Kaitlyn's birthday at Aulani
Taking my bests to sunset at Sunset Beach(:
Eating at Ola's
Getting some sun at Huntington Beach with Gianni (:

Hanging out with Siena at California Adventure
I love this place.
Alayna and I before leaving Cali
My adorable parents, Aiden, Connor, Alayna and Braydon. Love them all.

Giving Gianni hugs before I had to go
Back to paradise, beaching with the best and her cute little Eva.
So lucky to have her in Hawaii with me!!
I never saw this!! Love you! Sad I'm on a different island now!!!!