Tuesday, November 13, 2012

tracing his way through the constellations

Did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there...

Yes, the rumors are true. I thoroughly enjoy making a fool out of myself to the public world of blogging in my attempts to learn a new hobby. This is my THIRD song I have learned on the Ukulele, Drops of Jupiter by Train.

My inspiration? Taylor Swift's version on the guitar. I had actually never considered singing this song but I have always loved it. I personally feel that it sounds better on a guitar than a uke, but I don't have that option and I think it would take me a LOT longer to learn (this song was about an hour... Probably would sound better if I took more time though ;-) ). 

My thoughts: if I continue to embarrass myself I will trick myself into getting better. I think this video is an improvement from the last video here. But I will let you be the judge. 

Here goes nothing:

The best soy latte that you ever had...
and me. (:



  1. the new colbie! And you know what that means coming from me..

    1. bahahahha you are too nice. But I know how much of a compliment that is coming from the #1 colbie fan!! I appreciate it, and am very flattered. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU (: (:


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